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Troop 79 “zips” to Camp Shaw

After a couple year hiatus, Troop 79 returned triumphantly to Camp Shaw-Waw-Nas-See about an hour outside of Chicago. Maybe a little longer in Friday evening rush hour traffic…. We made camp as the sun was setting and enjoyed the patter of light rain overnight.

Woke up Saturday to a bright spring morning! The creek was ragin’ from the past week’s constant rain. Scenery aside, the main attraction was the gaga pit. Who would’ve thought a game originally from Israel could bring so much entertainment? Afterwards, camp SPL Colin G. led the younger Scouts in flag raising practice on the tallest pole we could find.

The Scouts were led in some challenge games by Camp Shaw staff after lunch. Great lessons in teamwork and communication. Thanks, Sketch!

Zip lining followed! Everyone made two passes – one each way across the river. Seemed like a lot of fun. The afternoon was capped off with a short hike to a marker for Chief Shaw-Waw-Nas-See.

Back in camp for the evening, patrol dinners with a festive Cinco de Mayo theme were prepared. Followed by “smacos”, interesting conversations and stories of the Potawatomie around the campfire. You never know what you’re going to learn on a Scout overnight.

Sunday morning dawned bright and sunny, with temps quickly rising out of the 40’s into the 60’s. Time to make breakfast, clean up camp and head out. Another T-79 overnight in the history books!

Member of our Google group? Click here for more photos.

[PHOTOS] Camp Shaw camping @Dave Keats and @boylesfour

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