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Troop 79 orients their way to an early Thanksgiving

I know, the sugar buzz from the Halloween candy is just starting to wear off, while the stores have already moved on to the season of gift giving.  So where does that leave the most American of holidays, Thanksgiving?  I can tell you – at Camp Dan Beard just up the road in the northern suburbs.

Members of Troop 79’s PLC began the weekend on Friday afternoon with a five mile hike up the DesPlaines River Trail.  Mr. Carter and Mr. Keats patiently stoked the home fires awaiting their arrival.  By twilight the Scouts appeared from the treeline and into a celebratory “Bill and Ted” pose.  Friday dinner was hunted and gathered locally from Joe’s Pizzeria.  Temps dipped below freezing to create a frosty Saturday morning wake-up with batches of “Waffle Balls” fabricated in cast iron and chopsticks to rotate them.

Saturday morning the rest of T-79 campers arrived, tents went up and marinated steak taco meat went onto the fire-pit grill.  Meat and lunch plan provided by Mr. Carter – thank you!  Scouts sliced and diced ingredients for the South of the Border (of Lake County) lunch with some Scouts creating “burritos as big as your head” as seen on Halsted Street.

Falllll innnn! After lunch the Scout-led troop marched into the forest for three hours of compass orienteering course and daylight Capture the Flag. By nightfall a traditional Thanksgiving dinner prepared by the Scouts for the Scouts was enjoyed after the Philmont Grace.  Much to be thankful for on a beautiful Fall weekend spent outdoors.

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[PHOTO and TEXT] @David Keats

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