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Troop 79 Goes Virtual

By now everyone’s well aware of the need to keep a safe distance from others to reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19. The official guidance from our local council is to cancel all meetings or events with more than 10 participants. Unfortunately, that put our in-person Troop and Patrol Leader Council (PLC) meetings on hold.

Thanks to some quick thinking, the PLC met virtually this week. After getting familiar with the software, the main topic was pretty simple – what would a digital troop meeting look like? It’s not like we’ve ever done this before.

A number of ideas were floated – from playing online games to hosting merit badge instruction. The PLC also considered how to hold Scoutmaster conferences and boards of review using virtual breakouts while still living up to our two deep leadership standards.

The meeting ended with agreement to give this new format a try! We’d hate to let Scouting lapse while everyone’s sequestered at home. And when this all passes, we’ll be able to pick up mostly where we left off. In the meantime, stay healthy everyone!

[PHOTOS] virtual PLC @B Greiner, M Fischer


Taking all the necessary precautions, a mini-Philmont prep hike was salvaged from the Troop’s scrubbed plans to camp overnight at Bullfrog Lake in the southwest burbs.

The hikers did their best to maintain their social distance in the hilly woods of the forest preserve. Getting outside for a vigorous and muddy walk seemed like the best prescription for an afternoon that would otherwise be spent indoors at home.

And despite the light snow falling, they made it to the remains of the atomic testing that had been done at the site. Perfectly safe now, of course.

[PHOTOS] Cook County Forest Preserve @boylesfour

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