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Troop 79 Opts Outside on Black Friday

If getting some exercise and doing good with your friends on the day after Thanksgiving sounds like a great idea, read on. Inspired by REI’s #OptOutside initiative and led by 2018 Eagle Scout Edward Boyle, over 25 Scouts and family members spent the morning doing litter cleanup at a Chicago park. Also joining the work crew were six of the spring 2019 “Eagle X” who were home on break from college.

The cleanup benefited the environment and people who enjoy Horner Park, a location several of the Scouts experienced as cross country runners in high school. The teams fanned out across the 58 acre grounds, gathering many buckets full of carelessly discarded debris – including food packaging, plastic bags, plastic straws, bottle caps, cigarette butts, along with recyclable items such as plastic bottles, aluminum cans and glass containers.

Thanks to the Scouts, parents and siblings who came out to support the cleanup, to the Chicago Park District for the opportunity, and to Friends of the Chicago River for their generous contribution of cleanup equipment and refreshments!

  • Interested in serving your local Chicago park? Contact the volunteer office at (312) 742-4764.
  • Check out this excellent guide from the Friends of the Chicago River to learn more about the mission to keep improving our city’s “blue green corridor”.
  • Recycling can seem mysterious.  What goes in the blue carts?  What happens to it?  See the City’s guide to what’s recyclable. Test yourself with a quiz!

Now don’t you feel better?

Member of our Google group? Click here for more photos.

[PHOTOS] Park cleanup @boylesfour

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