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Troop 79 leaps into winter camping

Great turnout for a wintry weekend in the southwest suburbs at Camp Bullfrog Lake! Thankful for three heated cabins courtesy of the Cook County Forest Preserve. The guys got to work picking up trash that had been tossed by the resident raccoons and then went right onto the ice to play.

The first hike of the day was to the site of a formerly top secret Manhattan Project facility in the woods nearby. More of the story here. Now deemed completely safe for recreation, according to the Dept. of Energy. The icy trails, however, were another matter entirely. Lots of slipping and sliding.

Back at camp, the high schoolers polished up their card playing skills and the middle schoolers relaxed. Meanwhile, ASPL Colin led the newest Scouts on a 5 mile map & compass hike to the Little Red Schoolhouse nature center.

The guys earned a hearty pizza dinner, followed by peach cobbler around a roaring fire. The cabins were a welcome respite from the cold before turning in for the night.

Temps had dropped into the low 20’s overnight, making a fire essential for preparing a hearty patrol breakfast the next morning. While spring is definitely not yet in the air, with a roof overhead there’s no reason to postpone outdoor fun! Thanks to the PLC for coming up with the idea.

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[PHOTOS] Troop 79 winter camping @boylesfour

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