Troop 79 does a “Freeze-out” at the Dunes
While March is supposed to go out like a lamb, frosty temps and bitter winds made us question what we were thinking camping out at the Indiana Dunes in this weather.
Gathering on Michigan Ave, the guys headed downstairs and boarded the South Shore train for the park. Arriving at Dune Park station, the Scouts hoisted their packs and headed out for the mile hike to camp. Thankfully the overnight rain had quit.

Camp was damp. “No running amok in the muck!” and several other rules were decreed at a briefing from Mr. Keats. After setting up tents on the little dry ground they could find, the guys headed out for a hike to the nearby nature center. And then on to the dunes! Cold and windy was the forecast for the day.

A blazing fire welcomed the guys back at camp. Time to start dinner before the sun went down and the cold really settled in.

The guys also had some fun with nighttime photography. Thanks to the Scout with the light-up frisbee for the multi-color long exposures.

Morning came, and with temps in the mid-20’s, another fire was definitely in order. The guys worked swiftly to break down camp after an easy breakfast before heading back to the train.

See you again, Indiana Dunes, maybe when it’s a little warmer!
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[PHOTOS] Dunes camping @Edward Boyle and @boylesfour