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Troop 79 at the Dunes, Part 2

The Stormchasers of Troop 79 were at it again leaving Friday night on the Chicago side of a squall only to drive around the lake to catch it on the Michigan side at Warren Dunes. Just in time for a 20 minute downpour while setting up our solo tents. Our second campout during Covid again called for individual tents (over 20!), masks, hand sanitizing, working in separate patrols, and using our common sense. Despite the excitement of setting up a campsite in the dark and rain – we did it no problem.

Saturday morning kicked off with patrol cooking and the adults doing their thing. Turkeys and Scouts headed out for the trails and dunes.

The afternoon was spent back at campsite for work on advancement, fire-building, tarp installation, and ensuring camp chairs worked properly.

Evening dinner pitted patrols against each other to create the best dinner in categories mostly just known to the SPL judge. In the end, the burrito dinner patrol won and were awarded the coveted Oreo prize. Adults were treated to gramma’s famous Hungarian Goulash recipe, salad, and pan-baked brownies for desert.

Saturday night campfire illuminated the darkness and entertainment programmed and MC’d by two Communications Merit Badge hopefuls.

Sunday morning forecasted rain provided enough motivation to rise early, eat breakfast, and head-out in time for rain in Chicago. Great to be out of our city cocoons and into the woods again!

Thanks to our PLC for organizing the events and the adults who made the trip. Hoping for one more overnight in Nov before we put the wraps on an abbreviated 2020 outdoor program.

Member of our Google group? Click here for more photos.

[PHOTOS] Warren Dunes @DKeats, @ABui

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