Summer 2019 High Adventure – never too early to plan!
It’s true! Troop 79 is pointing our compass south again to the Caribbean island of St. Thomas to participate in the BSA’s Sea Base high adventure program in 2019.
Experience the allure of the U.S. Virgin Islands. Here, the trade winds blow, offering some of the best sailing in the world. Upon arrival at Sapphire Beach Resort and Marina, our two crews will each board a 40-foot-plus vessel with an experienced captain. Most crews attain the 50 Miler Award as they circumnavigate the crystal blue waters surrounding St. John.
Sea Base St. Thomas – see the Troop calendar
- Highlights of the trip – see Sea Base St, Thomas brochure
- Crews fly into STT Airport via commercial airline and taxi to the marina.
- Adventure will span 6 nights, 7 days including arrival and departure dates, plus transit.
- Estimated cost is $2,000 per participant including transportation.
- Either a passport or copy of birth certificate is required to travel.
- To be eligible to sign up, each participant must:
- be a registered Boy Scout or Adult Leader.
- be 13 years of age prior to July 29, 2019.
- be in good health evidenced by the BSA Annual Health and Medical Record
- be able to pass the BSA swim test.
- meet BSA Height and Weight Guidelines.
We have a limited number of spots available! A minimum of 4 adults are needed for the trip (moms or dads). That leaves room for a maximum of 12 Scouts to attend.
Sign up link will be sent to the Troop email distribution. Deposit due Aug 1.
Contact Mr. Boyle, Asst. Scoutmaster with any questions. Anchors aweigh!