Fall outdoor event schedule
So what exactly does the Patrol Leader’s Council do? In a Scout-led Troop like ours, the PLC decides what the guys want to do with their monthly outings and presents the plan to the Troop Committee.
Thanks to Edward and Hayden for gathering input and presenting to over 20 adults at last week’s Committee mtg. The PLC has spoken. The themes they chose to incorporate into our activities were advancement, environmental impact and quality of food. Here’s the plan for fall 2018:
Our first event will be on September 15 -16 at 31st St. Harbor courtesy of the Sea Scouts. Games, food and other things to entertain both our Scouts and the Webelos (5th graders) who will be invited for the day. The Troop members will have a place to sleep on the big Sea Scout boat, with additional vessels to be added as needed. Sailing an option depending on weather.
Next up is October 13 – 14 at Blackwell forest preserve in DuPage County. This will be a bike overnight with potential for two different mileages similar to what we did last year on the beautiful (and flat!) Illinois Prairie Path. This location is ideal for exploring both on foot and on two wheels. Campfire expected as well.
Third is scheduled for November 2 – 4 at Camp Dan Beard in Northbrook. No school for CPS on Friday gives us the option to do an extended two night event. This property in Cook County offers opportunities for hiking, orienteering and pioneering (building cool stuff out of branches & rope).
Check your schedule and save the dates! Also posted on the Troop calendar.