Fall 2018 Court of Honor!
Jake and Michael, two of Troop 79’s Life Scouts, emceed this fall’s Court of Honor to a packed house of Scouts, parents and siblings.
The evening kicked off with a flag ceremony and included Committee updates, presentation of about 130 merit badges, many rank advancements and recognition of the troop’s newest leaders. A special “changing of the guard” was also conducted to hand over the Senior Patrol Leader and Assistant SPL roles from Elijah and Edward to John and Colin. Seemed like the clapping would go on forever!
Following all the pomp & circumstance, the audience was treated to several multi-media presentations of the summer’s highlights. Whether it was winning the Camp Cup at Owasippe, riding the 3/4 mile long zip line at Summit, or paddling / portaging over 175 combined miles at Northern Tier, there was a lot to share. Of course, the evening wouldn’t be complete without an inspiring minute from our Scoutmaster, Mr. Keats.
Many thanks to all the Scouts, Committee members and parents who support Troop 79 and help make it the fun Scout-led organization that it is.
[PHOTO] Court of Honor @boylesfour